Hoxne Village Hall

Regular Events
Mondays - Ballroom Dancing 7.00-9.15pm, termly
Village Voices Choir - 7.30-9.00pm during winter
Tuesdays - Badminton 9.30-11.30am
Phoenix Ladies Group 7.30pm, 2nd Tuesday
Wednesdays - Hoxon Hundred Morris Dancing,
September - May 7.30-9.30pm
Pilates for all abilities - 6-7pm
Thursdays - Garden & Social Club 7.30, 3rd Thursday
Parish Council, 1st Thursday, Nov. to April 7.30pm
Fridays - Film Nights 7.30pm, normally 2nd Friday - for details
of next films, click here
Event organisers details are shown on the contact page
Hoxne Heritage Group
Next meeting 18 March
Bulmer Brick and Tile Company
Talk by Peter Minter
7.00 for 7.30 start - £5 on door - poster to follow
St Edmund's Hall, Goldbrook, Hoxne, IP21 5AN

St. Edmund`s Hall, Goldbrook
To book the hall or for more information please contact:
Sally Dudley on 07876 215269
or email hoxnevhbookings@outlook.com
Telephone numbers and emails for clubs and classes are now shown on the contact page