Hoxne Village Hall

St. Edmund`s Hall, Goldbrook
St Edmund's Hall Management Committee is made up of volunteers from the local area of benefit and representatives from local organisations.
Members of the committee are elected at our Annual Meeting, which for the 2024/25 year was held Thursday 23rd May 2024. We normally hold an annual meeting in April or May, following our accounting year ending in February.
Attendance at our annual meeting is a good way to find out what is going on without obligation, and of course all are welcome.
Although much of the work is done by members of the committee, we have a group of friends who provide vital help. This might be behind the bar, occasional waiting or set up for events, for example.
If you are interested in becoming a helper please mention it to committee member, contact us on 07876 215269 or
e-mail (hoxnevhbookings@outlook.com).
In order to join the Management Committee as a full member, individuals are required to become trustees of the charity. This means they have to meet the "fit and proper" test required of all charitable trustees. A list of trustees is published on the Charity Commission website.